Vitamin D Health Benefits

BY: Boris Washington

Vitamin D offers numerous health benefits, which make it the key factor for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. For that reason, we have to take care of the levels of vitamin D in our blood. We already know that vitamin D is essential for the regulation of the calcium in our body, it takes care of the bone density and prevents numerous diseases related to our bones thus preventing bone deformities.

We have to highlight its effects on our immunity. Vitamin D is there to minimize the risk of respiratory infections and regulate the blood pressure. Some recent studies have shown that vitamin D can play a key role in the prevention of up to 17 types of cancers, breast cancer being one of them.

Vitamin D can also increase the serotonin levels, which makes it a great way to deal with depression and other mental health issues. It also prevents diabetes type I because vitamin D can regulate the levels of insulin in our blood. And finally, this valuable vitamin has been recently tested, and the results show that it can help in the treatment and prevention of several heart diseases. As you can see there are more than enough reasons to take care of your vitamin D levels.

One of the best ways to get the recommended daily dose of vitamin D is from the sun, by spending some time exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight exposure makes our skin and body start synthesizing vitamin D. However, there are many reasons why people don’t get enough vitamin D from the sun. The use of sun blocker creams is one of the reasons. Luckily, you can still get your daily dose of this vitamin from food and vitamin D supplements.

Some of the foods loaded with vitamin D are:
  • fatty fish
  • cod-liver oil
  • eggs
  • fortified cereal
  • fortified milk
If you decide to take vitamin D supplements always talk to your doctor and strictly follow the doctor's advice. Of course, it is important to do everything it takes to avoid vitamin D deficiency but taking high doses of vitamin D for a longer period of time can be dangerous too. Vitamin D is part of the fat-soluble vitamins group which means that it gets stored in our body so vitamin D toxicity symptoms are quite possible, especially if you take more vitamin D than required.

So, it is recommended to check your vitamin D levels at least twice a year and react in time, no matter whether you are vitamin D deficient or about to experience vitamin D overdose symptoms.


  1. Interesting, I'll have to keep that in mind. Didn't know vitamin D was so important honestly.

  2. Good information you have in here. Thanks!

  3. I do take Vitamin D tablets, I think it's a good thing!

  4. I didn't know Vitamin D was such a big deal either. I'll check it out a bit more and will probably add it to my daily supplement list.

    Thanks for the info!

  5. I do agree, vitamin D is needed for the body

  6. I heard about this and Vitamine D is so well:)

  7. The only thing I eat out of that list is, well, nothing. I am a little worried.


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