The Fountain of Youth

BY: Edward Beyer

Getting older is unavoidable but the conditions and symptoms associated with aging aren't. Instead of treating these conditions as we age, modern advances in science and medicine let us proactively prevent them from occurring in the first place and even reverse them.

For as long as I can remember, my hands and feet have always been freezing cold to the touch. Growing up, I remember how everyone would say to me, 'you're hands are freezing!' Of course, every doctor I went to always told me the same thing, that it was the result low blood pressure…take iron...but it never helped. Another thing is my cravings. I love and crave salty food and rich after i want sweets . I am also an takes me ages to fall asleep..i simply got too much energy at night. Worst of all I recently have been dealing with a leg injury s a result of a drunk man knocking me over and breaking my foot, tearing my tenant and ripping 3 ligaments. This injury was severe and taking its time to heal. Doctors told me that my symptoms were a result of my rigorous travel routine, stress and always being "on the go". That hardly helped.

A few weeks ago while filming my TV show in Miami, I made a life-changing discovery; Dr. Scott Becker, a world-renowned physician who practices advanced medicine at the American Longevity Center in Miami. An Anti- Aging and Proactive Medicine Institute. The first thing they did is send me for an extremely thorough blood test. Six vials of blood were drawn and sent off to the lab. OMG!!After my lab results were back I met with Dr. Scott Becker, a total gem.. Immediately I knew I was being "cared" for by a physician. He explained exactly why I felt the way I did and what the root cause was.

For the first time in all my years of complaining about my symptoms, Dr. Becker had an answer for me. Within the first few minutes of our meeting, he immediately said that my symptoms could be the result of a low functioning thyroid. No other doctor had ever even mentioned the word 'thyroid' to me before. I was intrigued. We also discussed several other symptoms I was having including my lack of energy in the morning and sudden burst of energy late in the day, and he advised me that these symptoms could be the result of adrenal fatigue.

I had never heard of these treatable conditions until I met Dr. Becker. And what's even more amazing is that he was able to come to these reasonable conclusions after spending just a few hours with me, listening to my symptoms and conducting a few simple tests. At that moment, I felt confident that I was finally going to get some relief from these uncomfortable symptoms. After our meeting, Dr. Becker prescribed Bio Identical compounded thyroid supplements for me. These are not mass manufactured prescription pills. These supplements are made in a compound pharmacy specifically for me and my needs.

It's been just a few weeks but already I am feeling and seeing results! My life has changed so dramatically because of Dr. Becker. He also gave me a unique blend of Vitamins and Minerals to re-balance my body. I am now an official pill, that is VITAMIN PILLS...I even branded my pill box with FTV logo...why not haha! Fatigue, dry skin, sugar cravings and cold feet-- all improved. My skin is glowing.

I almost never made it to see Dr Becker. I had travel commitments that I wasn't going to cancel to see another doctor who was going to tell me to get some rest. My friend however was very persistent. He told me to drop everything and see this doctor, and I can't thank him enough for urging me to do so. After meeting Dr. Becker, I will never make another decision about my health again without consulting him first. Thanks to Skype we connect no matter where I am in the world.... got to love technology.

Going to see Dr Becker at American Longevity Center was the best thing I have ever done for myself. The centre focuses on unique anti ageing treatments that centre around maintaining your body at optimum health and keeping it functioning as it was in our 20's. To learn more about the clinic visit


  1. I always thought it was best to get vitamins through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  2. Vitamin D helps me out with feeling 100%. Nice post

  3. That's cool I'll check out the website :)

  4. Nice post dear! It is always truth that all vitamins founded in fruits and vegetables health niche

  5. If you want to be healthy and look younger for longer time then fruits should be one of the important parts of your daily diet. Cosmetic Dentist Glasgow


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