Prescription Lawsuits in Abroad - Do They Really Affect You?

If an unsafe drug lawsuit is taken out in a country you don’t live in, does it affect you? Yes, if the drug in question is also prescribed or available in your country. Such a lawsuit can also have a knock on effect where it raises the issue of a certain drug or type of drug: so ultimately it depends on the precise kind of lawsuit that is being brought.

If a person successfully sues a company as a result of taking one of its prescription drugs or over the counter drugs, and either that drug or that type of drug is pending for approval in your country of residence – then you probably aren’t going to see it in a hurry. So if you were waiting for it to be approved so you could start taking it, the unsafe drugs lawsuit we give example of here is clearly going to affect you.

That said, of course, if the drug you wanted is proven to be dangerous then it will affect you in a good way – by protecting you from that potential danger.

If the drug is causing secondary side effects – i.e. side effects that occur as a result of the effect of the drug, rather than a result of the actual physical components of the drug – then a foreign lawsuit may also affect you, because it will raise awareness of a type of drug as being more dangerous than was previously supposed. You also find drugs with unknown long term side effects come into this area – Thalidomide being a major example. Without the unsafe drug lawsuit brought by thousands of Britons against the manufacturers of Thalidomide, the extraordinarily dangerous long term effects of its use would still be un-ratified.

That’s an important point, actually. Ratification is a big part of the efficacy of unsafe drug claims: once one is successful, the public suspicion of that drug or kind of drug is confirmed. Ultimately the unsafe drug trial, from this point of view, becomes a way for the public to protect itself against less scrupulous drug manufacturers as well as against the unlooked for side effects of particular drugs.

In other words: all dangerous drug claims, made anywhere in the world, have a bearing on your life. From this wider viewpoint, we all need unsafe drug lawsuits simply so that we can maintain a world in which it is possible to bring an unsafe drug lawsuit into being. Because without them we would have no sure fire way of taking the drug companies to account when something goes wrong, or is suspected of going wrong.

Drug companies are often driven by profit – we all know that. And in a world where the companies that make the pills and potions we rely on to stay healthy (and in some cases even to save our lives when things go wrong) are as motivated by money as they are by the urge to cure and palliate, then it’s up to us to fight for our rights as consumers. The best way to do that? By keeping the drug manufacturers afraid of losing big money if an unsafe drugs lawsuit is brought against them.


  1. Great points...there is a balance between hurrying drugs along to help with health care...and having enough research so that these drugs are safe.

  2. prescription drugs are more deadly than illegal drugs imo

  3. man my brain hurts from all this information. :)

  4. Hmm... never really thought about this before.

  5. very interesting, I've never thought about this topic before.

  6. Thank you for following my blog.
    This post is really interesting.

  7. I was once on an amazing drug that was recalled. I was grateful for the recall but wish they had been able to perfect the drug...

  8. Good post. So far the only illness I came down with is cold and flu. But that doesn't mean that I am invulnerable in the future too. So this "lawsuit" is perfect. This will guarantee that the pills that are out there are and will be out are safe to use.

  9. Another reason why you should avoid drug usage unless it's completely necessary.

  10. Half of those are just lawsuits waiting to happen :(

  11. I need this information. Thank you. (:

  12. Pretty informative, I still think it's ridiculous that such dangerous drugs are even available.


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