Living high blood pressure

Patients admitted to a doctor with complaints of high blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, first doctor to treat the symptoms. The patient need to do absolutely nothing if he quit. Because tobacco narrows and clogs the blood vessels are closer and closer. And reduces oxygen in the blood.

Plays an important role in high blood pressure diet. ratio of high blood pressure is higher than in Western countries, third word countries. This situation of poor countries, more simple, less processed diet food that are estimated to be between endurance. A healthy diet based on natural foods that are useful in combating high blood pressure. herbs and paw through the vessels to relax can be effective for treatment of paper. Kidneys, diuretics, showing an opposite effect of salt water output narrowed been picked, gives positive results in the treatment of high blood pressure, reduce salt in foods. Affecting the functioning of the body over any object, for example, stimulants such as tea and coffee can increase blood pressure.
Return to the inner universe of man's daily jar set aside, in this way can provide a calm, yoga, and walked away from the tightening of the soul itself in similar ways to treat high blood pressure.


  1. PANSALT, the low-sodium salt from Finland, is now available in the Philippines. PANSALT is the tastier & healthier way to salt. With PANSALT, you can avoid and better manage hypertension and its unwanted side-effects such as heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, among others. PANSALT has also been approved as an organic food ingredient by the European Commission. Make that switch to PANSALT NOW!!! For more information, visit or contact (02) 531-4881/ 0917-811-SALT (7258).

  2. High-blood pressure can be a hereditary. Like in my case high-blood pressure runs in our family. My mom and my mom’s brother both died in their 40's due to high-blood pressure. I'm so thankful that I'm here now in the U.S. if not probably I'm not alive now because back in the Philippines my blood pressure was getting worse. Yes, I agree eating healthy will contribute on preventing it. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies that high in potassium like banana, cantaloupe, watermelon and etc.


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