
This question remains a subject of debate among scientists, social scientist and mental. Of course, every human being is a "how many, or Fight" is the mechanism. This mechanism is concerned, we feel anger people or cause physical changes in the body prepares to flee or fight. This issue focuses on two points in the discussion. First, the innate human instinct of aggression and just have a spontaneous, or only when you receive a warning which is very active and "learning" there is a reaction gained through?

However the view on this issue and to discuss any definitive conclusion is not possible to prove.

Some scientists regard this animal as an example. Animals have to be aggressive to survive and defend their territory. According to those who defend this view, people can show the moment for reasons of aggression. Aggressiveness leads to disqualification of the weak, prevents the extinction of species.

Be assumed by freud in psychoanalysis, such as in the opinion, even if the innate human instinct of aggression and guilt feelings of disenchantment resulting from the purely negative attribute. It is possible to redirect the incentive to aggression. Indeed, experiments on children are displaying aggressive tendencies after watching violence on TV has proved. Suggest that it is possible not be aggressive in controlling this phenomenon.


  1. wow this is a nice blog!! :) Tahnks for visiting me :) I am now your 101st follower ;D

  2. amazing!!! what a perfect coincidence, i am currently reading an article entitled 'Are Women always Less Aggressive than Men?' A review of the experimental literature by Jacueline Macaulay and Ann Frodi from Women's Research Institute of Wisconsin and University of Wisconsin respectively.
    The argument presented in this article is interesting and thought-provoking. It talks on how experimentalist/critics often discuss issues of aggression with limited concern on sex differences. Though they argue that Aggression depends on the conditions, nonetheless, they believe that it is imperative to examine this act while taking in to consideration sex differences
    Thanks for this article. I truly love it.


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